


Medecins Sans Frontieres Logo
(Source: Medecins Sans Frontieres )
USPA NEWS - The 6.8-magnitude earthquake that strucked Morocco on 8th september in the High Atlas mountains, reportedly caused 1300 deaths and 1832 injuries, as the toll is getting heavier, hour after hour. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is sending teams to assess needs in this region. Avril Benoît, executive director of MSF-USA, gave the following statement today:

"We are saddened by the tragic news of the earthquake in Morocco and the growing number of reported victims. MSF does not have an established presence in the country but is making contacts with local authorities, in order to send our emergency medical and humanitarian teams to assess needs and provide support if needed.

"Local people are the key to the initial response, when searching for survivors is vital. Earthquake survivors often require medical care such as surgery or dialysis, which can be a challenge when local health systems are affected by a disaster. Restoring health services and providing essential supplies also can be a priority at this stage. Our response will depend on the needs that are assessed on site." Source: Médecins sans frontières (MSF)

Secours Populaire Francais Logo
Source: Secours Populaire Francais
SECOURS POPULAIRE, FOUNDATION FO FRANCE AND CROIX ROUGE ARE SENDING LARGE AMMOUNTS OF MONEY FOR ASSISTANCE AND SUPPORT Following the magnitude 7 earthquake which struck Morocco on the night of September 8, 2023, causing more than 1,300 deaths, hundreds of injuries, and leaving thousands of people homeless. The toll is growing by the hour. This quake is the most severe ever to take place in Morocco, due to its intensity and its aftershocks. The Fondation de France, present for several years in this area, is mobilizing today 250,000 euros and is appealing for donations to strengthen its action and help the thousands of families affected by this disaster. The Fondation de France is mobilizing to provide emergency aid to the populations on site The Fondation de France is once again responding to help the affected population of Morocco. Drawing on its experience in the region and relying on its local partners, the Fondation de France quickly deploys essential actions to help victims (shelter, psychological support, etc.). It will intervene in the most impacted areas in Morocco, particularly in isolated territories where aid arrives more difficult and populations are more left to their own devices. It will subsequently carry out sustainable reconstruction actions (rehabilitation of collective buildings, economic recovery, etc.). Thanks to the help of donors and sheltered foundations, the Fondation de France has already been working in Morocco for more than ten years alongside local associations and actors, with particular attention to the place of young people and women in society. Source: Fondation of France
The first reports show hundreds of dead victims, thousands of injured, homeless people and very significant damage in the Marrakech region.

The French Secours populaire is able to act quickly with its Euro-Mediterranean network for solidarity and its partners. Together, they have long-standing experience in intervening.

€50,000 has been released from the emergency fund to help children and families who have lost everything (shelter, food aid, hygiene and care kits, etc.). Support for the most vulnerable people will be long-term. » Source: Secours Populaire
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